
Hora Extra

John Maddog Hall in Rio and the First Hora Extra in Buenos Aires

Tonight my dear friends in Rio have the privilege to welcome Mr. John Maddog Hall in another #horaextra. And tomorrow night, I'll have the privilege to make new friends in Buenos Aires, because it's time for the First Hora Buenos Aires! \o/

It'll take place on Tuesday, June 7th 2011, at Wherever Bar, located at Oro 2476, Buenos Aires at 7:00 PM. If you're a geek and happens to be in Buenos Aires tomorrow night, please be more than welcome to join us!

There are great things happening now in the software development community here in Buenos Aires, as well as there, in Rio. Unfortunately, it often happens that one community knows little or nothing about what's happening in the other one. So, I hope the meet up tomorrow can serve as a step in the direction of more integration between both communities.

I'll be there tomorrow, representing my friends from Rio, but I hope that some geeks from Buenos Aires will soon be having some beer with the folks in Rio, as well as I hope to see some of the Cariocas attending #horaxtra here, in Buenos Aires.

What a great week! Let's all have beer and a very good time! :D


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